TP Time Oh The Fun

Remember when you were in high school and you had to go out before a football game and TP your friends house?? Well of course being the good person that I am I never did that so I have no idea where my furdaughter got her antics from! 12241532_10153536781454724_91687239164255338_n

From the bathroom, down the hall into the living room not missing a beat or ripping the paper off.


Of course Gambler couldn’t be left out of the mischief as he LOVES toilet paper. He had to rip it apart and start eating it before I had a chance to pick it up.

I was at work and came home went to the bathroom saw the TP had all these nibble marks in it and had to ask John if there was a mouse in the house. He said no mouse just Preacher and she had already spread the TP throughout the house once already. It’s only taken her just over 4 months to discover it and start the TP mischief.

What is it with dogs and cats and the toilet paper?

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

15 Replies to “TP Time Oh The Fun”

  1. Beth

    Silly pups! I’m so glad neither of my darlings have interest in TP because they make enough of a mess every day without it. Good luck!

  2. Emmadog

    None of us dogs have ever had any interest in the toilet paper, but cat bro Bert loves to shred it. If he is mad because dinner is late or if he is bored he goes in the half bath and shreds away!

  3. easyweimaraner

    well done… now you can start to write your wishlist for Santa :o) Gambler, bro… don’t make tp-confetti, it needs years till santa has solved that kind of jigsaw :o)

  4. Bailey

    Paper in general is a problem if it is left down. Tissues, paper towels, toilet paper. Thankfully the smell or something about newspaper seems to repel them.

  5. Jan K

    I love it! Remember I posed recently that I was missing the TP mischief. However, Luke does still steal it from time to time, but he doesn’t roll it out anymore…he just takes it to one spot and rips it apart. Have fun with that! 🙂

  6. Pooch Smooches

    So funny! Rita doesn’t care at all about TP, or any paper. Our beagle loved to play with the TP – she TP’d our apartment once when she was a pup. Our Abby didn’t care about TP per se, but she loved to tear up paper. I’d hand her the junk mail for a little thrill every day.