Tuesday Snackie

Num, Num, Num…..Cheeto’s

Our dogs love snackies and even more so when you toss snackies at them. They have much fun with this game.

Glory is a good catcher.

Glory is a good catcher.

I can catch this no problem.

I can catch this no problem.

Norman can do it!

Norman can do it!

Who's next.

Who’s next.


Num num num...watcha eating.

Num num num…watcha eating.

This game wore me out.

This game wore me out.




4 Replies to “Tuesday Snackie”

  1. tylersat99

    Lexie can catch anything and has since small puppy. She can catch especially treats or Mom food. Mica usually lets it fall and picks it up. UNLESS Lexie catches Mica’s too, or Mica takes too London to pick it up!?