Tuesday’s Tails


This is the Blog Hop that features shelter animals. Find a cat or dog at your local animal shelter and feature them on this Blog Hop! Come join the fun and help a furry friend find a forever home!


                                             Thanks to Dogs N Pawz for hosting this blog hop!




Remember one of my first Tuesday’s Tails dog Duke? He was in a shelter in MO, he has heartworm disease and was needing to get out of the shelter and in foster care so he could be taken care of. I am happy to report I found out that CRROW (Chesapeake Retriever Rescue Of Wisconsin) is busting Duke out and is getting him in foster care with a potential furever home lined up.

This is what CRROW has to say: I am happy to say that Duke is coming north to be a CRROW dog. We are going to try to get him up asap so we can start his HW tx-and get him to his foster home to begin his recovery and his training. Thanks to Angie Skillings and family for taking him under their wings and hopefully teach him to be friendly to other dogsHe seems to have a lot of potential for that. Stay tuned for Duke’s journey. I am anxious to meet him. I was told there is one very ecstatic animal control officer where Duke is.


Check out how you can help CRROW out with other needs whether it is by donating to help get Duke up to Wisconsin, fostering or volunteering.


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