UKC Rally Obedience 1 – New Title

Gambler and I started our UKC rally competition back on December 15, 2017. That was the first trial we were in and we received a qualifying pass and a score of 99/100 with a first place. If you missed the story you can read it here.

The weekend of May 12-13, 2018 we entered 4 more competitions hoping to receive our title. You need three qualifying passes to receive your title.

The first event I NQ’ed. If you do a sign wrong you may ask the judge if you can repeat it. I needed Gambler to lay down and stay there until I walked around him. I gave him the command and walked almost around him and he stood up. I asked if I could repeat the sign, the judge nodded yes. I repeated it and Gambler did the same thing, I tried one more time and we did it and moved on to the rest of the course. At the end the judge told me we NQ’ed as you can only do the sign with one redo.

We shook ourselves off and got ready for the second competition of the day. This course we completed so we received a qualifying pass and a score of 90 which gave us 4th place. The placements go by time. You are awarded first-fourth in the fastest time. This is because multiple people can have the same score so then it comes down to who did it faster.

Here are the courses for the first day. The judge was Anna Arndt.

May 13, 2018 was our third competition. If we passed this event we would have our title.

As you can see we did the course, received a qualifying pass with a score of 90 and third place. We were entered in the fourth event so we went ahead and completed that event as well. We got a qualifying pass with a score of 95 and first place.

Here are the courses for Sunday, the judge was Dawn Fisher.

Gambler with his ribbons from Sunday.

Gambler with all his Rally ribbons for his title and his new registered name.

We are having fun with Rally Obedience. It’s time training with our friends, competing with our friends and it’s time spent with Gambler. We have another Rally competition scheduled for when we are attending the UKC Primer this coming June. This is the Premier’s 25 Anniversary so it should be memorable.

I want to thank the host club which is my club Dodge County Canine Club for hosting this event. Thanks to all the club members and volunteers that helped this be a successful show.

7 Replies to “UKC Rally Obedience 1 – New Title”

  1. Beth

    Congratulations! It looks like Gambler’s getting quite the collection of ribbons! Rye has really liked the rally exercises we’ve done in classes, and I’ve thought about competing with her, but right now our calendar is too full with agility trials and barn hunt lessons, so it will have to wait a little while.

  2. M. K. Clinton

    Congratulations!!!!!! That is a pawsome accomplishment. I’m dying over Gambler’s “Elvis” lip in the next to lasts photo. Bahahahaha!

  3. Emmadog

    Good for you guys. We want to do some rally, but don’t have the time to train with everything else, and we would only do AKC if we did. So much to do, so little time to do it.