This is the Blog Hop that features shelter animals. Find a cat, dog, rabbit, etc. at your local animal shelter or rescue and feature them on this Blog Hop! Come join the fun and help a furry friend find a forever home! And while you’re at it, don’t forget to visit the other blogs and share their doggies, cats, rabbits, and all the other animals that need forever homes on your social media sites. Please spread the word!
   Thanks to Dogs N Pawz for hosting this blog hop!
I was working ahead on my blog posts for next week and was going to do a Tuesday’s Tails post, after I did my search for Chesapeakes in the area I came across Chesney and he is in URGENT need to be adopted. He is scheduled for euthanasia next Tuesday when I was going to do this post so I moved it up to today to get the word out and hopefully find this boy a home.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever • Adult • Male • Large
Morgan County Animal Control Jacksonville, IL
They don’t say much but this says it all:
“Chesney” is a nice tempered Chesapeake
Bay Retriever. 7-8 yrs. old
Bay Retriever. 7-8 yrs. old
Scheduled to be euthanized on Tues.
Dec. 10th at the Morgan County Animal
Control in Jacksonville IL 217-245-24015
or after hours Flo, The Dog PEN Rescue 217-589-426
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Oh no! Poor Chesney…we need to find him a home and quick! Sharing.
So sad:( Sharing.
I get so so so sorry and sad about animals having to go through this. It is so unfair and caused largely by irresponsible humans who will not spay and neuter their pets.
I hope he finds someone to take him soon. Surely there’s a Chessie rescue somewhere that could buy him some time.
Couldn’t Chessie rescue pull that dog? I hope so. 🙂