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LOL Paw!
shes a stitch
Don’t you just love it when a cat does that?!
I do and I love when the noses are pressed under the door too.
Oh MK…if I had to have a cat…it might just have to be you.
She’s yours! LOL she is a ham, she gets along with everyone.
That’s so funny, cat’s are super entertainers :o)
MK is a hoot!
BOL! Oh MK…you are just.too.much!
Glad I could make you laugh buddy.
OMG – love it! you should have put a treat under his paw! WOOF!
hehehe that would of been cute.
That’s my view every time I go to the bathroom and close the door!
-Purrs(and woofs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
lol! it is the cutest thing.
Awwwwe…too cute!
If I were a dog at your house, that would freak me out. 😉
FUNNY especially there’s another way. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Love it! This happens any time I go in a room and shut the door. Kitties do not understand the term “privacy” at all. At least they have cute paws that are lots of fun to play with 🙂
I love Marsh Kitty!
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