6 Week Puppy Photo Shoot

The puppy’s turned 6 weeks old last Saturday. I’ve been doing a photo shoot each week of their life. This week was defiantly the hardest to do by myself as the they are so big that they jump out of the container I put them in. They all pop out at different times so I have to run back and forth put them in and by the time I run back to take the pictures they pop out like popcorn. I gave up and enlisted help from Josie’s family. The bloopers are first and then the finished photo.













I bet the 7 and 8th week photos will be a blast too!


We are joining Linda at 2browndawgs and Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for this great blog hop.

17 Replies to “6 Week Puppy Photo Shoot”

  1. Jan K

    Oh gosh, I can just imagine how hard that must have been! I think you did well, even with help, to get one perfect photo! And they are all adorable, bloopers or not!

  2. tylersat99

    Such adorable puppies and pictures. 6 weeks, that is really when they get fun. trying to keep up with them and trying to get them where they belong. Our litter of Pyrenees years ago I could only take them outside 2 at a time and they were always on the go.You got great pictures 🙂

  3. Jodi

    Thank you for joining the blog hop. I can’t believe they are already six weeks old. Slow down time, I still want to keep seeing more puppies~

  4. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all

    Oh my Human wants the one that jumped out first! Is that a blue collar? Sigh. My Human Papa says NO PUPPIES! The car isn’t big enough for 2 BIG Chessies! BOL! Oh well, they’re all spoken for anyway.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog