Tunnel And Truck Puppy Fitness~FitDog Friday

This weeks puppy fitness was getting them used to a actual agility tunnel and a remote control truck. As you can see they didn’t have any problems with the tunnel, they just love tunnels now that I started them on the little cat tunnel. Maybe we will have some agility dogs in this litter.

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They didn’t mind the truck at all. They would follow it along and when it stopped they would stalk it. Here is blue boy stalking the truck.

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Much fun and fitness was going on this day. One more week and the little ones will be going to their new homes.


The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and Emma from Mygbgvlife to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.

16 Replies to “Tunnel And Truck Puppy Fitness~FitDog Friday”

  1. Beth

    I love how they all pile up in the tunnel! Barley is very unsure of remote control things–she seems a little worried by the whining noise they make. It’s so great that you’re doing so much work to prepare the puppies for their new lives!

  2. Emmadog

    They are having so much fun! Mom says she can’t imagine giving them up in a week. I think we would be keeping them all, so good thing we are not breeding!

  3. M. K. Clinton

    Puppies are so much fun and yours are too cute for words! Your truck reminds me of an incident years ago We had three cats, no dogs, no children and we went to a toy store to buy the cats a tiny remote controlled car for Christmas. The sales clerk asked if she could help us and I explained what we wanted. She looked at us and said, “Y’all need to have a kid!” Hahaha!

  4. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    LOL! Hawkeye must have had some of the same puppy schooling. He loves tunnels and flies through so fast the trainer used to yell “fire in the hole” when he started into it. He flies out the other end so fast you better not be standing in the way!

    Blue Boy reminds me of Hawkeye trying to play with the IRobot vacuum when he came to live with us. (course Hawkeye was 14 months when we got him, not 7 weeks).

    So sad the pups only have one more week together.

    BrownDog’s Human

  5. Dolly the Doxie

    OMD are they big! I can’t believe they went in the tunnel so cute! We will be sorry to see them go too I hope they are good homes. Love Dolly

  6. Jan K

    Oh my goodness…I love the photo with a pile of them inside and one outside just rolling around…too cute! These are going to be the most well rounded and trained puppies anyone could dream to get. I’d like to sign up for one from the next litter! 🙂

  7. barbaraarivers

    Aww, it’s a puppy pile in the tunnel!! How super cute!! Our girl Missy LOVES chasing remote controlled trucks 😉

  8. tylersat99

    You have done a great job of getting them out and use to a lot of things. I bet by now they each have a different personality and you can tell which one it is even if there was no collar. One more week to enjoy. They are a lot of work but you will miss them so I hope they each have a family that will give all the love you have:)