Give Cancer The Paw~Lymphoma

Give Cancer The Paw


Today I’m joining Pooch Smooches and The Writer’s Dog Give Cancer The Paw Blog Hop. This will be their last hop. I want to take a moment to thank both you gals for starting this hop and for all the awareness you have achieved by hosting this hop. I wrote my post before I knew it was your last and that we were to do a tribute to a special pet we known and loved that had/has cancer. I’m leaving my post the way I wrote it besides adding in this comment and I will add my tribute to none other than my special pet Norman.

The Morris Animal Foundation August Webinar is on Lymphoma.

Lymphoma and Your Pet: Attend our Webinar

Lymphoma is a common and well-known type of human cancer. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most common cancers diagnosed in dogs and cats. Lymphoma can take many different forms, from single solid tumors to aggressive blood cancer, and it is the focus of intense study within the veterinary community.

Join us for our webinar about this potentially deadly disease on Wednesday, August 20, from 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. MT and learn how Morris Animal Foundation is supporting research into this important family of cancers.

Register for the Webinar


Wikipedia defines Lymphoma in animals as:

Lymphoma in animals is a type of cancer defined by a proliferation of malignant lymphocytes within solid organs such as the lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver and spleen. The disease also may occur in the eye, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. It is also known as lymphosarcoma.

Cat’s with Lymphoma: 90% are due to blood cancers (Feline Leukemia -FELV, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus -FIV)

33% are due to tumors in cats, generally in the abdomen

For this reason it is important to test each kitten/cat for FELV & FIV before bringing another kitten/cat into your household. A kitten should be tested when you get it and then 3 months later in case the first test had a false negative. The FIV test should be done after 6 months of age as the kitten can hold it’s mothers immunity against FIV up to that point, if tested before 6 months you can get a false negative.

I believe we have seen a decline in FELV & FIV because most Humane Societies will test for at least FELV in each kitten/cat sometimes both viruses before they adopt them out and most people who adopt them keep them inside away from other cats that have the disease. The disease is spread by saliva from bites and from scratches. Can be spread intrauterine also.

If planning on letting your kitten/cat outside it should be vaccinated against FELV. There is no vaccination for FIV. If your kitten/cat has tested positive for FELV it still can live a normal long life if it happens to be in a carrier status. There is no way of knowing your cat is in a carrier status except for it lives a long healthy life. It can still pass on the disease but it doesn’t become sick from it.

My story: Long ago in the middle ’90 I was working as a Veterinary Technician at a clinic in the Falls, my Grandma lived on a farm that had farm cats. One day a stray kitten had come to her house, he wasn’t very old. Grandma didn’t want a kitten at that time so I scooped him up and took him to work where I asked my co-workers if any one would take him and give him a good home. The vet I worked with there took him home and named him Simon. She already had a cat named Benny so before she took Simon home she tested him for FELV which he was negative. Benny was already tested and negative also. A couple years later Simon became really sick he was diagnosed with FELV. He didn’t make it. Benny was then tested again and he was positive now. He lived a longer healthier life until he passed at age 10. Benny was a mean SOB so we said of course Simon died young (he was sweet as pie) because only the good die young.

There is no cure for either disease it’s just a matter of time before they succumb to this horrible disease. Do your homework and testing before you adopt a kitten/cat and bring it into your already cat household.

In doing this post I realized I haven’t re tested MK . I will be getting that done ASAP.


This last post is in tribute to “Norman”

My best friend, my soulmate

Gone but not forgotten.

Our very first Give Cancer The Paw post 11/6/13: you can read it here. This also happens to be the day we said goodbye to Norman and sent him on his great migration in the sky.

11/3/00 – 11/6/13

He is my dog

He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;

my other ears that hear above the winds.

He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea.

He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being;

by the way he rests against my leg; by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile;

When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.

When I am happy, he is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, he ignores it. When I succeed, he brags.

Without him, I am only another human. With him, I am all-powerful

He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion.

With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace.

He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant. His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.

His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things

He is my dog

Author Unknown

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12 Replies to “Give Cancer The Paw~Lymphoma”

  1. Dogs N Pawz

    Great post! I didn’t know that about cats. I hate the cancer word. Our Summer had liver cancer and it is still hard for me to talk about. It broke my heart 🙁 I just know she is up there with Norman running and playing and causing trouble! She was that kind of dog…a trouble maker! I don’t think God realized what he was getting when he took her away from us! He has probably wanted to give her back a few times! Brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my face just thinking about it! Have a great day.

  2. peggyspetplace

    The webinar sounds amazing and I know it will help so many people and their pets. That is a very good tip about having the cats checked for FELV and FIV. I join you in giving tribute to dear Norman, who loved to run in the fields and is now running free in heaven. He is missed. Thank you for being such a faithful friend of GCtP. We’ll continue to visit here and love seeing your beautiful dogs and Marsh Kitty.

  3. easyweimaraner

    That was a great post (I cried again as I read the poem at the end). I feel sorry for Simon and I hope all who plan to give a kitty a new home will do the test first.

  4. Pooch Smooches

    Thank you for joining our last hop. Love your tribute to Norman. He will always be in your heart. Didn’t know about lymphoma and cats. Good info about having cats checked out and about the vaccine for FELV. We say that too around here about ‘only the good die young’. Our Abby was SO sweet and she died WAY too young. Even the vet said, “It’s always the sweet ones.”

  5. Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady

    Such a sad and beautiful poem at the end. You shared some really great info, and I thank you for that. I wasn’t aware you should always test a kitten for this if you have other cats. We rescued a kitten off the street almost a year ago now, and we have 2 others. But we never tested her :/
    Beautiful tribute to Norman ♥
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  6. jank1961

    Our first dog died from lymphoma, but I did not know anything about it in cats. That is great information, especially if we ever bring another cat home. Ours stay indoors.
    Beautiful tribute to Norman!