Glory Turkey Hunting~Wordless Wednesday

Last weekend Glory went turkey hunting for the first time. John took her with on his turkey hunt. She laid next to him in the line fence waited for the turkeys to come in, never moved her body just her ears when they perked up when the turkeys started talking to her. John shot and she waited for him to release her and then she was off. It took her a couple tries then she finally grabbed the turkey and brought it back to John. If I had to guess I would say the turkey weighed at least 10 pounds.

Here is a video of the hunt.


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13 Replies to “Glory Turkey Hunting~Wordless Wednesday”

  1. Will and Eko

    I’m not sure if you’ve written about it before, but how do you acclimate the pups to gunfire? Aside from very carefully, of course! Have you ever had a gun shy dog?

  2. tylersat99

    Wow good job waited till Dad said to go then you worked until you pocked up the turkey. The turkey looked as big as you, but you proudly carried it back. You listened and followed instructions. Such a good girl:)