Monday Mischief~Rehab Warrior

Gambler is the Rehab Warrior since he is a dare devil and decided to jump up on the truck and then when I yelled at him to get down he hurt his paw on the way down.


He wasn’t on the tool box this time, he was on the hood of the truck eating out of the chicken food bucket. I didn’t have my camera at the time and didn’t want to do a reenactment so you get this picture for the visual. “Get off there Gambler before you get hurt!”

This all happened last Sunday night. He didn’t seem like anything bothered him after he jumped off the hook until Monday night when I got home from work he was holding his paw up in the air. Rimadyl was started and off to work he went with me on Thursday for an exam.

Ruh Roo it's x-ray time.

Ruh Roo it’s x-ray time.

x-ray of my left front paw, put the right in with it for comparison.

x-ray of my left front paw, put the right in with it for comparison.

x-ray was normal no broken bones thank goodness.

Ice is in order.

Ice is in order.

Lots of rest is in order too.

Lots of rest is in order too.

Gambler joined a new virtual fitness event PetsMove.


Here is what PetsMove has to say:

WELCOME to, the premier virtual fitness event for dogs and their humans. is for casual exercisers and serious athletes alike. We encourage people and pets of all ages and fitness levels to discover their inner “healthy-self” by offering goals, prizes and more within a supportive community. There are no intense guidelines, only guaranteed good times as you and your pet work your way to PAWsome health.

We invite you to join and challenge you to MOVE IT as you walk, run, swim, play and eat your way to fitness and health for you & your pups. Why not commit yourself to doing more with your pet?
Start Today!

Since he injured himself for the past week he wasn’t able to full fill his exercise duties. You can read his story here. He is a rehab warrior and not liking that he had to stay home for the WI opening of pheasant season.

Oct 1-7 was National Walk Your Dog Week. In honor of that week you could get a inspiration band to help keep you motivated and get out and PetsMove with your pet. You can read about it here.


Since the bands were so popular they extended the amount of time you could get a band by a few weeks so if you would like one move on over to PetsMove and get one for yourself.

We would like to congratulate SlimDoggy for starting PetsMove.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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24 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Rehab Warrior”

  1. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Gambler, you are no gentleman!

    Me? I’d never think of eating my Human’s supper, much less jumping up on any part of the car! Yes, I’m a boring, good boy and a “brown-noser”.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. FleaByte

    I love your bed! It always amazes me that your big dogs are such mountain goats. But it doesn’t surprise me that they’re eating chicken food! Mine do the same dang thing.

  3. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    Thanks for the write-up on PetsMove. We’re getting lots of people joining and MOVING! It’s great fun. And poor G’man – guess that chicken bucket was just too attractive. I hope his rehab goes quickly – looks pretty comfy snoozing on that bed with the rest of the crew! We’re glad to have him on PetsMove as one of our Rehab Warriors!

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