Scoop That Poop~Poop Poetry

It’s Scoop That Poop awareness time again. Where bloggers blog about Scoop That Poop and help spread the word how EVERYONE should Scoop That Poop. This blog hop is brought to you by Sugar The Golden Retriever and Dogster.


“Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day.” – Harry S Truman

That quote is so true, no one should have to kick a fresh turd any day. So in order not to kick a fresh turd you should Scoop That Poop.

Since we are talking poop I wanted to take a moment to thank Sugar for The Fifth Paw I won a few months back. I finally have a moment to share my thoughts on The Fifth Paw.


I have multiple dogs so I took 3 of them for walks on leashes as Norman got to walk behind off lead. I managed to Scoop That Poop 4 times and attached the poop bags to The Fifth Paw.

Attached The Fifth Paw to my leash.

Attached The Fifth Paw to my leash.

Away we went, in no time had a couple of poop bags.

Away we went, in no time had a couple of poop bags.

Even more.

Even more.

Hitting Nellie in the head.

Hitting Glory in the head.

The Fifth paw worked great for one bag of poop when walking multiple dogs. When I added more poop bags they got tangled up in one another and since the dogs don’t all walk at the same pace some times they got hit in the head with the poop bags. If they were walking really fast or running then the poop bags really swung around and got tangled up. When I would walk one dog at a time The Fifth Paw was great! Multiple dogs it worked but I was afraid the poop bags would break open with all the swinging and tangling. I give this product a 4 paw star for single dog, and a 3 paw star for multiple dogs.

So everyone go out and Scoop That Poop!

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26 Replies to “Scoop That Poop~Poop Poetry”

  1. Oz the Terrier

    Thanks for joining in the #ScoopThatPoop hop! Great review of The Fifth Paw. I can imagine everyone getting bonked in the head with poop bags. BOL You know though, sometimes just walking one dog (even a smaller, but most handsome terrier) you can come home with more than one bag of poop. Then what? I guess you would need a Sixth, Seventh and Eighth paw. BOL
    *Cairn cuddles*

  2. Dogs N Pawz

    Sounds like a great little gadget for one dog! I can just see you walking all of your dogs and them getting hit in the head with the poop bags and then one of the bags breaking. OMG…that would be terrible!

  3. GoldenWoofs (@SugarTheGoldenR)

    I wonder if the nylon leash is the reason. We use a leather leash and works fine. In any case, at least you don’t have to hold their poops. Golden Thanks for participating our #ScoopThatPoop hop. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Gizmo

    First of all, you gotta love HST…he sure was a plain speaker but he got his point across…Thanks for the honest product review…Looks like it’s perfect for one, or maybe two dogs…4 big dogs with 4 big bags of poo would be a challenge for any device

  5. Pingback: Follow-Up Friday along with FitDog Friday | Sand Spring Chesapeakes

  6. Amy

    Harry Truman is one of my favorite presidents. He told it like it is. I wish I knew what political situation prompted that one…some of our current pols should give this saying some thought!