Supervisor MK Get’s Fired~Monday Mischief

MK only has one job to earn her keep. She is to supervise the gang Gambler while I take a shower each morning.

Doing my job, keeping a eye on everything.

MK – “did I hear something?”

Back to taking my cat nap, must of been nothing.

Oh look chewies!

I hit the mother load.

Chewies for all!

Glory is hogging the chewies.

I’ll just chew on my chewie.

Glory and Nellie enjoying all the chewies.

Gambler enjoying his stolen goods.

Hi Mom, ain’t I cute.

Going back to the scene of the crime.

This all happened on April Fool’s day, it was for sure no April Fool’s, the only fool was me thinking MK could supervise the gang while I took a shower, instead she takes a cat nap! Gambler told me when I woke up that he was going to not kick the closet open and steal chewies again, then he said “April Fool’s”.

monday mischief
This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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20 Replies to “Supervisor MK Get’s Fired~Monday Mischief”

  1. easyweimaraner

    well… that’s a little like “to trust the cat to keep the cream” hahahaha. it’s probably the moon what leads to bedroom-disasters today LOL

  2. Will and Eko

    The shower sound always lets the pups know it’s mischief hour. I swear a party starts as soon as I step in and then as soon as I’m out they pretend like nothing happened.

  3. Fozziemum

    Oh dear …MK sure has been asleep on the job! here it is more likely the cats being naughty..hahahaah i do love the innocent faces…:) loves Bev xx

  4. Jan K

    I love it!!! I’m not sure I’d ever put Sam in charge of the dogs….I’m pretty sure she’s bribe-able. 🙂