Nothing But Norman #36

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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It’s spring time now so I thought I would share some spring pictures of Norman today.

One of my favorite flowers. Blanket flowers.

One of my favorite flowers. Blanket flowers.

Love moss roses!

Love moss roses!


Now for my Sepia Saturday picture. Thank you Ruckus The Eskie for hosting this blog hop.



Moss roses in sepia.

Moss roses in sepia.

My Memory Garden

My memory garden,

Where I meet you each day.

And tellĀ  you all my secrets,

That to no one else I could say.

There is this lovely path where we walk hand in hand,

And I tell you about the pups and make tomorrows plans.

My garden is well kept and cared for everyday,

I want it always to be pleasant for this is where I meet you each day.

There will be no one to disturb us and the flowers are your kind,

For this beautiful garden is a place found only in my mind

Here is a fun spring like video of Norman when he was 11 years old playing with his pink bumper. He still had the moves as a old guy.


Hope everyone has a great weekend. Peace!

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Thursday Barks And Bytes~Spring In The Air


The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda fromĀ 2browndawgsĀ and Jodi fromĀ Heart Like A Dog.
The Barks:Ā 
Happy first day of spring! It sure doesn’t feel like spring here with rain and snow flurry’s. The grass is dead and I don’t even see any life coming from my flower beds. The only way I know it is spring here is the big mud puddles and the muddy paw prints on the floor. That is when I wish it was winter again…..NOT!
Here are my two spring like photo’s. This was from this weekend when we finally had nice weather and the water across the street was open so the dogs thought it was time to play in the water.Ā 
photo 1 photo 2
This past weekend we did a couple of pheasant hunts at SS. Saturday we put out 6 pheasants, 2 for each dog. Each one got their 2 pheasants and had a blast doing it. They were so happy to be out hunting again since they have had a long winter and haven’t done much the past 3 months.
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The Bytes:
Sand Spring Chesapeakes got another award, it couldn’t come at a better time. The first day of Spring and hopefully The Sunshine award will be bringing some much needed sunshine our way. Hugh thanks goes out to Jenna from Love is being owned by a husky.
Jenna has entered Lexus in a Kurgo Facebook contest. Lexus is currently in first place, lets keep her there so click here to go vote for her.
Jenna received this award from two different bloggers, each one had different rules. I could choose from the two sets of rules as to which one I wanted to do along with passing this fabulous award onto 10 other bloggers.
Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you. Check!
Name ten things about myself .
And pass the award on to ten other blogs.
2. Smile and pass on the award.
I will do both of the rules. šŸ™‚ one big smile, thank you Jenna.
10 things about myself:
1. At one time I owned 6 cats. 3 of my own and 3 I adopted from my mom after she passed.
2. I lived in a shed for 1.5 yrs until our house was built.
3. I owned horses at one time and would haul them out to Colorado once a year, pack my gear and ride them up the mountain and elk hunt.
4. I have one brother.
5. I have semen frozen from Norman if anyone ever wanted to use him for breeding.
6. I have a stick kitty tatto’ed on my foot for one of my cats, have a paw print from one of my cats, have my puppies and dog paw prints, a couple of Chinese symbols, a ankle wrap signifying the loss of my parents and head portraits of Norman and Nellie on my thigh.
7. I had laser surgery 16 years ago and now I have to wear glasses again if I want to see.
8. I have Sunday supper each Sunday with my brother and his family.
9. I love to pull little kids loose teeth out and pay them when I do.
10. I love music but can’t hold a tune to save my soul.
Now I pass the Sunshine award onto 10 blogs I follow that I enjoy reading. You can choose what rule you would like to do. Enjoy!
Stop on over and check out these 10 fabulous blogs.
Now on to my picture of MK for today.

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Jones Knee Cap Fun

After Gambler’s Birthday party last weekend the gang got a special treat. We headed outside so they could enjoy their tasty treat out in the lush green grass with the sun shining on them.

Their tasty treat was from Jones Natural Chews. It was a knee cap. I had them eat it outside as there are so many tasty morsels that come off as they chew on it.

Which one do I want?

Which one do I want?

The products of Jones Natural ChewsĀ are 100% products of the USA!

Gambler got the first tasty treat!

Gambler got the first tasty treat!

Glory was playing keep away with her knee cap.

Glory was playing keep away with her knee cap.

Norman licks his lips clean!

Norman licks his lips clean!

Num, Num, Num

Num, Num, Num

Glory enjoying her bone.

Glory enjoying her bone.

Nellie and Norman.

Nellie and Norman

The gang and their bones.

The gang and their bones.

They all loved their knee caps! Don’t you like all my beautiful flowers?

Check out Flea and her blog on Jones Natural Chews.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are off to a hunt test tomorrow so wish Gambler and Glory luck.