Jones Knee Cap Fun

After Gambler’s Birthday party last weekend the gang got a special treat. We headed outside so they could enjoy their tasty treat out in the lush green grass with the sun shining on them.

Their tasty treat was from Jones Natural Chews. It was a knee cap. I had them eat it outside as there are so many tasty morsels that come off as they chew on it.

Which one do I want?

Which one do I want?

The products of Jones Natural Chews are 100% products of the USA!

Gambler got the first tasty treat!

Gambler got the first tasty treat!

Glory was playing keep away with her knee cap.

Glory was playing keep away with her knee cap.

Norman licks his lips clean!

Norman licks his lips clean!

Num, Num, Num

Num, Num, Num

Glory enjoying her bone.

Glory enjoying her bone.

Nellie and Norman.

Nellie and Norman

The gang and their bones.

The gang and their bones.

They all loved their knee caps! Don’t you like all my beautiful flowers?

Check out Flea and her blog on Jones Natural Chews.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are off to a hunt test tomorrow so wish Gambler and Glory luck.

11 Replies to “Jones Knee Cap Fun”

  1. Misty Shores Chesapeakes

    I love when I find USA made products. Don’t know how many times I have put things back once I see they are not US made. Love all the photos and the the dandelions; I think it looks beautiful when they cover like that 🙂