Three Chesapeake Relay

When we are out and about just messing around the gang ends up doing the three Chesapeake relay. What is the three Chesapeake relay you ask, well it is when there are no rules, no training technique going on and the dogs can do what they want when I throw a bumper or two or in this case three.

Gman, Nellie and Glory all have a bumper.

Gman, Nellie and Glory all have a bumper.

Glory says "I got my bumper".

Glory says “I got my bumper”.

And the relay starts.

And the relay starts.

Nellie goes in for the hand off.

Nellie goes in for the hand off.

Glory hands it off.

Glory hands it off.

Nellie decides she is done with this game.

Nellie decides she is done with this game.

Glory goes for the bumper.

Glory goes for the bumper.

Gman is hot on her tail.

Gman is hot on her tail.

Gman's going for the bumper.

Gman’s going for the bumper.

Under Glory he goes.

Under Glory he goes.


na na I got it.

na na I got it.

I still have mine.

I still have mine.

I see one here.

I see one here.

Come get mine, I dare you!

Come get mine, I dare you!

The collision.

The collision.

And the turn around.

And the turn around.

If I don't get a bumper I will make a crazy face.

If I don’t get a bumper I will make a crazy face.

What usually happens is Nellie will steal the bumpers and run off with them and make her own pile, Gambler will get to them the fastest so he swipes them all first and poor Glory just gives them up and she isn’t a fighter.

17 Replies to “Three Chesapeake Relay”

  1. Emma

    How fun that they all play with the same thing. We don’t play much at all with toys outside, just chase and wrestle with each other. They sure are having a blast!

  2. Sue

    Oh, JoAnn! I laughed out loud. My pack and yours would have a fantastic time together since they all know this game 🙂 Love those photos!

  3. somethingwagging

    I would get a television if someone would broadcast 3 Chesapeake relay.

    BTW, is unstructured play with the bumpers part of keeping their formal retrieving work strong? Or is it just good for fun?

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      It is just for fun. Actually John doesn’t like me playing with the dogs with bumpers, he thinks it messes them up for there real training. 🙁 I don’t listen and they get to have some fun with bumpers.

  4. Donna O.

    Such happy dogs in these photos! Looks like they had a blast playing relay. Especially love the expression on Nellie’s face when she goes in for the hand off. 🙂

  5. Jan K

    I think it’s great that it’s not always all about the training, and sometimes you just get out there and have fun!! You always get such great photos too!