Thursday Barks And Bytes~More Hay Bale Pics

The Barks:

More hay bale pictures from this weekends training on blinds. You can see the first ones here.




They Bytes:

Before Gambler and Glory’s CGC test last Saturday I had to have a crash course in downs with Gambler. He isn’t the best at his downs. I was giving him a down/stay command when out of no where’s guess who appears? Yup MK she always has to come running when I am doing some dog training. She did her downs really well.

Mia the Labrador is coming up on 4 months of age, I believe she is 24#. She just loves when we get pheasants or pigeons out for her to retrieve. She is very birdy and wants the bird!

Stop back tomorrow for Fitdog Friday and join in on the #K9Kamp kampfire.


The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.


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17 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes~More Hay Bale Pics”

  1. easyweimaraner

    think Gambler learnt it from MK, his look at her says all :o) Is that the same puppy we saw once on your deck? they grow like the beanstalk of Jack :o)

  2. Jodi

    I’m waiting for the pictures of MK retrieving the birds. That cat thinks she’s a dog. LOL Do you think you could get her to retrieve?

    Thank you for joining the blog hop, you have such awesome pictures of your crew.

  3. Jan K

    I think MK was just trying to show Gambler how it’s done. Or she was just showing off? 🙂
    I love all the photos, and it looks like that Mia is going to be a natural at hunting!

  4. pawedblog

    Beautiful photos! Mia is gorgeous and I think MK just likes seeing the pups put through their paces! 😀
    Hugs, Carrie and Pups x

  5. Emmadog

    Cat bro Bert is always present for training too because he knows there is food involved. That cat is trouble! So glad they passed their tests! Good work!

  6. Donna O.

    I love the collages. So cute that MK joins in the training. Silly kitty. When will she be going for her CGC? Or should that be FCG?

  7. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    I like Jodi’s comment…does MK bring, and present to you, her mice? I think the grown birds might be too big and I’d be sad if she caught baby birds.

    My Human says the barn cats used to bring the mice to her and Papa and they’d chase the birds that came down to feed on the grain the horses dropped (some horses are messy eaters). My Human never saw one of the kitties catch a bird, but they tried.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. M. K. Clinton

    I love your photos! Nellie’s tongue hanging out is so cute. Gambler is definitely giving MK the “showoff” stink eye! Have i somehow missed an new addition to your family with Mia??